Mini Soccer Conditioning and Strength Training Workouts - 15 Minute Soccer Fitness Training Drills

Building ball handling skills and teaching your soccer players to work as a team is paramount, but without proper physical conditioning even the most skilled players will not stand a chance in competition.

Strength and conditioning soccer workouts are important but setting aside the time to do them can be a challenge. Below are four different drills for soccer that take around 15 minutes each and can easily be added onto a day of practice without using up valuable time for skill training. These short soccer workout routines are intended to be done in the middle of, or at the end of a practice session. They can also easily be put together in one large workout that takes about an hour, or doubled up for a single routine for a more effective half hour workout.

To be done with 100% effort, switching from exercise to exercise as quickly as possible.

A-Day (Hip, Knee, and Ankle; Strength and Stability)
Cross-over Lunges (L&R) 30-60 seconds each side
Agility Dots (L&R Forward & Reverse) 1-2 sets 10 reps each leg and direction
Single Leg Lateral Hops (L&R) 2 sets 10 reps each leg each direction
Clock Lunges (L&R) 2-4 sets each leg
Ice Skaters (L&R) 1 round, 10 reps each leg

B-Day (Explosion Strength / Speed)
Jumping Lunges 2 sets 30-60 seconds
Broad Jumps 2 sets 10 to 20 reps
Lateral Jumps 2 sets 10 to 30 reps
Sprint Starts (L&R Forward & Backward) 2 sets 5 reps each direction
Knee Tuck Jumps 2-4 sets 5-10 reps

C-Day (Core)
Jack Knife Crunches 3 sets 5-10 reps
Windshield Wipers 3 rounds 5- 10 reps
Back Bows 3 rounds 10-20 reps
Russian Twists 3 sets 10-20 reps
Side Hip Raises 3 sets 10-20 on each side

D-Day (Cardo Threshold)
-While running laps of the field do one or more of the following exercises every two minutes:
Line Drills (yo-yo’s) 2-4 rounds of 30-60 sec or number of completed cycles
Burpees 2-4 sets 30 sec
Power Skips 2-4 sets 30-60 sec
Mt. Climbers 2 sets 30-60 sec

Stretching is another important element of soccer conditioning and should be done on a regular basis (preferably every day). Always make sure to do a thorough stretching routine after all practices and games, holding all stretches for 20 seconds minimum.


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